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OP t1_jec1qrr wrote

Honestly, not a big spender. I have always grown up saving much more than I spend and perhaps that is why this decision is a difficult one to take.

Btw, is 2.8k your portion of the rent or for the entire apartment?


t1_jec3fwq wrote

It's for my portion, the total rent is $4k and we split it $2800/$1200 since I make significantly more.

At $200k TC, it's pretty doable. Depending on where you're working and how often you have to commute, driving across the BA can be a huge pain due to traffic.

We could have found a smaller/cheaper place that was further away, but I live close enough that I can bike to work in 15 minutes and I'm satisfied with paying a bit more and reducing my commute.


OP t1_jec3suo wrote

Thanks. This gives me a bit more confidence :) Even though my office doesn’t mandate being in person, this place is within 3 miles and I am hoping to bike to it whenever possible. And I agree on paying more for less commute and better access to everything.


t1_jec4iq1 wrote

Question; you did mention your TC is $200k, how much of that is salary vs RSU? If your mix is something crazy like $100k base and $100k RSU it will be dicey, but if you have a more normal split (80%/20%) I think you'll be fine.