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Werewolfdad t1_jeeyvdf wrote

You generally can’t just not pay it as the payments come from payroll


Cubby8 OP t1_jef6fxo wrote

So if I don’t pay, the plan administrator would essentially garnish my wages to pay it back? I just never read anything about that when I was researching. Thanks.


Werewolfdad t1_jef6t9y wrote

You don’t have an option to not pay. It just comes out of your paycheck.

You give them authorization to deduct that as part of the approval process.


Cubby8 OP t1_jef9nuz wrote

Gotcha. That makes sense. I’ve never done anything like that and was curious. I just hate the fact that I was contributing to something with no growth potential and that money is just sitting there.


Werewolfdad t1_jefaxol wrote

Your plan doesn’t have an option for non-annuity based investments?

Check out for potential options


Cubby8 OP t1_jefhrc5 wrote

Ah thanks! I didn’t realize my district had other options.