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nkyguy1988 t1_jea733y wrote

What was your income and how much did you pay in total? Those are the two questions with taxes. They are just a simple math formula. If you owe, it means you didn't have enough withholding done during the year.


[deleted] OP t1_jea7deq wrote

Income around 70 , total deducted is like 13,


nkyguy1988 t1_jea7map wrote

Since I see you mentioned Canada in another post, you will likely get more tailored answers in r/personalfinancecanada


FourWayFork t1_jea7xna wrote

I don't know anything about Canada (other than that it's cold and you have maple syrup), but are these brackets right?

So according to this, your taxes would be $7529.55 + $4059.615 = $11589.16

Do you have a standard deduction like we have in the US (where a certain amount of your income is excluded from taxation)?

If this tax table is right and you had $70K in income with $13K withheld, then something is not right somewhere along the line.


[deleted] OP t1_jea858o wrote

Thanks, I am doin them myself so it's possible I just messed up somewhere along the way!