Submitted by Ioradin t3_1276bwf in personalfinance
Hey all,
New to the sub, and hoping for some advice in regards to digging my family out of the hole we're currently in.
For context; just before the first lock down I moved back into my mother's house which she inherited in 2018-19 from my grandfather. Unbeknownst to me, she had not kept up with property taxes, and we're now facing legal action and likely losing the house if I'm not able to intervene.
I just got off the phone with the sheriff's office in our county, and was told that we owe approximately 20,000 in fees, interest, and taxes. In June, the house goes up for sale if we are unable to provide the sheriff's office with this amount.
The other option that was given to us was to talk to the attorney(s) that handled this case (after seeing the paperwork, it looks like everything has already gone through court), and try to work something out with them. I called, but they were not in office so I'm waiting to hear back from them.
My income is not fantastic, I only make $11 /hr, and my mother's income is extremely variable, as she's self employed. (She is a mobile cat groomer, and I'm unsure of what her general take home is)
I'm hoping someone here may have had experience with a situation like this, and may know whether the attorneys may have a more long term payment option that can be worked out, because 20k isn't happening in a 2 month span.
Some info:
- We're in Texas
- 3 occupants in home. Two have income, one is unable to work (has AIDS and is not in great shape)
Thanks guys.
rolliejoe t1_jecyylb wrote
No one here is going to be able to give you specific advice for your situation except "you need to keep trying to contact the attorneys to see if they will offer a payment plan".
Apart from that, how much equity is in the home? (That means the value of the home if you sold it yourself minus how much is left on the mortgage, if there is a mortgage.) Without anyone in the household earning a living wage, it may make more sense to sell the home yourself rather than have it sold by the county, and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage/property tax, and if there's anything left over that can help with finding a place to rent.
Second steps will be that you (definitely) and your mother (if possible) need to be job hunting. If you are young and in ok physical shape, and not on drugs, you can easily make $16-20+/hr at a dozen or more national employers (USP, fedex, amazon come to mind) and be working in 1-2 weeks. Without knowing your mom's yearly income of course nothing useful can be said about that, but if she's $20k behind on taxes I'm guessing "mobile cat groomer" isn't really a job but rather a hobby, and she may need to look for a real, reliable income if she is able.