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rolliejoe t1_jecyylb wrote

No one here is going to be able to give you specific advice for your situation except "you need to keep trying to contact the attorneys to see if they will offer a payment plan".

Apart from that, how much equity is in the home? (That means the value of the home if you sold it yourself minus how much is left on the mortgage, if there is a mortgage.) Without anyone in the household earning a living wage, it may make more sense to sell the home yourself rather than have it sold by the county, and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage/property tax, and if there's anything left over that can help with finding a place to rent.

Second steps will be that you (definitely) and your mother (if possible) need to be job hunting. If you are young and in ok physical shape, and not on drugs, you can easily make $16-20+/hr at a dozen or more national employers (USP, fedex, amazon come to mind) and be working in 1-2 weeks. Without knowing your mom's yearly income of course nothing useful can be said about that, but if she's $20k behind on taxes I'm guessing "mobile cat groomer" isn't really a job but rather a hobby, and she may need to look for a real, reliable income if she is able.


Ioradin OP t1_jed94or wrote

I'll have to start looking for better/more work, most definitely. The job I'm currently in wasn't supposed to be anything more than a stopgap, after a fairly long period of unemployment and I suppose that's on me.

As far as equity; I'm not certain what the house is worth. I'm scrambling to get this info together now, but if it does come to selling the house, I'm glad to know paying the taxes through a home sale is an option.

For my mother's income; I'm really in the dark about what she brings in, I know it has high potential but it's extremely difficult to get any of that information out of her. Kind of in the same way that I was unaware of the situation regarding our property taxes.

Thank you for the reply, every bit of information is helpful.