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Penguin_Doctor t1_je7ealy wrote

Absolutely. Also, do your own research as well. A random guy on reddit may not give the best financial advice. I was in your situation not too long ago, even similar debt amounts, and now I'm doing better than I ever have been. Goodluck!


AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je7hen6 wrote

Research has always been my life. Though, hearing others, especially reddit, has always been a big contribution to the knowledge I might've skipped.

I did some subtracting on my debt. Where I'm at now. When I drop $2000. I'll be $300 away from 30%. Next Friday will put me in the safe zone.

I'm glad you're doing better off! Keep it up on your end. We both got this. Believe it or not. I used to be 750+ score. That was years ago.