Submitted by PonchoTheMexican t3_11m1sx0 in personalfinance
Not sure if this is the right place to post this.
Like the title says, I love my current job. I only have a ten minute commute, I can work remotely one day a week, it's fulfilling work and it pays alright. I've been applying to new jobs in my field just to see what's out there. I now have two job offers in hand and I'm debating if I should try to leverage those to try to get a raise at my current job.
Current job:
10 min commute
One day WFH per week
Job 1:
30 min commute to downtown
2 days WFH per week
Job 2:
45 min - 1 hr commute
1 day WFH per week
I currently make the minimum pay range for my position based on what the original job application said when I first applied for my current job. The pay range was from $27-35/hr. So the big question is: is it worth it to try to mention my two offers to my boss and negotiate a pay raise to match the offers? Or will that hurt my reputation at my job and is it better to just take one of the offers?
The two new jobs want a decision as soon as possible and the HR/payroll team at my current job is slow so it might be a week or so until they can even get to talking about it here.
As of right now I'm leaning towards just taking one of the two offers and simply putting in a notice instead of trying to negotiate. What do ya'll think?