Submitted by CommandTypical943 t3_1256rsh in personalfinance

So a few years ago (I’m 21 now), I noticed my full name on one of my moms credit cards, I asked her about it and she said it was an extra one in case I have a financial emergency/ in a situation where I needed something in a pinch. At first I just kind of accepted it because I’ve always trusted her. But the truth is, I have never had access to the card, and she has never helped me financially, other than a roof over my head until I was 18 (I’ve had a job since I was 15, paying for my own clothes, most of my own food and any luxuries). I moved out shortly after my 18th birthday, and aside from the RESP she set up for me for college (which I am extremely grateful for), I’m completely independent. I currently live with roommates and have been looking to improve my credit so I can move towards getting my own apartment, and I was looking into getting a credit card through my bank. My mom and I both use the same bank, and it’s the same one that her credit card that was supposedly for me is from. My credit card application was denied because “I already have a credit card registered with my name and information.” But my mom won’t give me the credit card that has my name on it and has been unwilling to help me with this situation. Is this a form of credit card fraud? How do I go about this situation? I do not want to get my mom into legal trouble of any kind.

Update: so I checked my credit report and there’s no serious damage done. I personally have racked up a bit of debt since starting college (student loans are not done through credit cards, at least where I’m from, don’t come at me) and I was pleasantly surprised to see my standing. It’s not great, but not bad considering I’m a financially struggling student.

So long story short, there’s still a conversation to be had about enabling me to get my own credit card that I can use personally, but I think a conversation over tea and a one on one discussion explaining once again why I need it back and what I need it for can be had before taking another route. She’s been quite unresponsive on this topic but I seriously doubt it’s anything malicious or intentional at this point.

As for being an authorized user, that’s unknown yet, and I won’t be able to contact my bank until tomorrow.



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