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dasquared t1_iubpioq wrote

Another point-since they stated a reason, you could choose to try to file for wrongful termination. They would have to disclose what policies were violated and be able to substantiate it or owe her...nice thing is it's the type of case employment lawyers may take on contingency, especially if there are numbers of people all fired "for cause" that could not be substantiated...


TacoNomad t1_iubzmk8 wrote

Well, it's says right here in the policy, you must quit 3 days before benefits eligibility. Failure to comply results in immediate termination.


trevor32192 t1_iuctje1 wrote

This is exactly why I think that rule or law is backwards. Companies should have to show clear evidence of problems, loss of sales, any burden of proof to fire someone.


DD_equals_doodoo t1_iucy3b7 wrote

It's not that easy. It is sometimes difficult to prove an employee did something unless you walk around 100% of the time with a camera recording.