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vakr001 t1_iud8v9y wrote

Most employers consider employees as “At Will” employees and that they can be terminated at any time.

This is just poor management. It costs more money to train new people than benefits.


Creepy-Ad-4320 t1_iuda90x wrote

Yep I guess you guys are right. Just seems super shitty to offer benefits then consistently fire people right before they kick in. I guess there are wrongful termination cases but you’d have to prove due to race gender etc. At minimum they should get unemployment


marqui4me OP t1_iudctru wrote

when she was hired (for her experience in management & project processes), they told her they had a problem with high turnover and were trying to fix it.

so while doing her work and learning, she was documenting how to improve work-flow at the company. ceo did not like that...even though that's why they brought her on.