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jr01245 t1_iud937u wrote

Hr here. Have her file for unemployment and answer the questions truthfully. Unemployment varies wildly by state but generally when you file they will ask for a reason, and they will then reach out to your previous employer and ask them why. If the reasons match and it is something qualifying like a layoff, you are approved and move on.

If the reasons don't match, you say layoff, they say policy violations, they will reach out to both usually with more questions. To you, they will typically say something like "employer says fired. For policy violation and has proven you knew about the policy (usually signed handbook page will prove this if policy is in handbook) and disregarded it.

They may make a determination with just the initial questions or they may make it here.

If they decide you are ineligible you can appeal and I urge you to do this if any of the information is incorrect. If the handbook you got doesn't have that policy, you didn't violate it, whatever.

Respond with the information they asked for and any documentation you have to back that up.

The company will also be given a chance to appeal if the determination goes in your favor. If they come back with more documentation that she was performing at 42 whatever per whatever and then she was disciplined and production went to 12 whatever per week that would be fairly easy to prove and the determination would be reversed and she'd be ineligible. Each communication from them should say exactly what your options are but, again, varies wildly by state