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findingnemo202020 OP t1_iu74ptx wrote

In theory, we should have our mortgage paid off by then. We have no plans to move and love our house. I would say 2k/month would allow us to live quite well but we could easily get away with less, barring any major catastrophes.

My husband and also has a pension and will likely retire from his job. I also have a pension but I'm not sure I will stay here long enough to benefit from it.

Husband is also eligible for retired employee rates for health insurance, so it will actually be pretty affordable if he/we decide to retire early (which is a goal of ours).


oceanleap t1_iu7q4d0 wrote

You are still in your 20s, already have a house, earn above 100k, and are contributing 20% to retirement? You're in amazingly good shape. And a pension? Wow. Time for babies.