Submitted by JasonColin t3_yis9qy in personalfinance

*(I already have credit/debit card, this is for someone else that needs and can only get a Debit card atm)

I am looking for a Debit Card that's $0 monthly/maintenance fee preferably, (or no more than monthly $2 fee but would rather $0 if possible) that has cash back, preferably higher cashback (2% or more) but 1% is also fine as long as the cashback isn't a scam and can be added/count as credit to your account quickly.

For example, greendot is a scam bank for cashback. Whether you use their cashback card or that mobile cash app card. You are capped at $100 a year in cashback with the GreenDot cashback card. You also have to have deposits every month for 12 months to even access that $100 cash back. This is not a good bank example.

Another thing I'm looking for in a Debit Card is GOOD dispute customer service, where disputed money is instantly or within 48-72 hours put in your account so you don't suffer if there's something wrong with merchants, or if the account may have had an unauthorized purchase.

Many debit card companies have a 10-14 "business day" (so up to 20 days) wait for an "investigation" and then they "may" credit your account provisionally as they continue the investigation. Which is pointless. There are also companies like again, GreenDot, that hate disputes and will lie about the dispute to reject it in the end 1-2 weeks later 99% of the time.

The only bank I've found that meets nearly both these requirements for debit cards is American Express Serve. Serve will deal with disputes within 24-48 hours giving your account credit, sometimes faster based on the size of the transaction. They also do a fast and fair investigation. Serve also gives you 1**% cashback for EVERY purchase** and you can immediately add the Cashback $ to your account balance at ANY time.

The only problem is Serve wants an $8 monthly fee and a few other strings which makes it a bad option for the individual.

So outside of Serve, what are some debit cards that have it's positive features (fast or instant cash back and disputes) but with no (or low) maintenance fees or other fee strings attached?

Thank you in advance.



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Werewolfdad t1_iukbqbc wrote

You’re looking for something that doesn’t exist. Debit cards are basically loss leaders