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Glittering_knave t1_iujg6rx wrote

According to some quick googling, the sensors are pretty effective. The only thing that stood out was that they may need to replaced after every third detection. Could you ask for maintenance records?

Is there any chance that a cigarette butt or the packaging for a vape or other smoking garbage ended up in your trash? Something that could indicate smoking happened in the room?


steved84 OP t1_iujgrxz wrote

I will ask for maintenance records and see if they can provide anything. Though at this point it seems like I’ll be providing my defense more for my bank and less for them. It’s possible that there was something in a trash can from a prior visitor - it wouldn’t have been from us.


Glittering_knave t1_iujh5zf wrote

The other option seems to be someone else was smoking, and there was enough blown into your room to register on the sensors.

Or, someone in your party had a cigar on the balcony and isn't fessing up.


steved84 OP t1_iujhnt0 wrote

No balconies in the rooms! (24th floor). I wish I had somebody I could suspect.


genraq t1_iujou6h wrote

I’ll bet someone was hitting that vape on the sly