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shortbusprodigy t1_iyboqhc wrote

This x100. You already assessed it correctly, same-ish salary for an entry level versus a supervisor. Take the entry level job and it’ll be easier to work up to the next level.


Jojomatic5000 t1_iycya21 wrote

Also, the company could have been paying that amount already but chose to under pay.


b0w3n t1_iydtgpq wrote

And if they do that, chances are the office culture is garbage too.


TravellingBeard t1_iydtvem wrote

Depends on context of OP's interactions in the past. If they asked management for a raise in the past but were repeatedly told no, yes, that's all on the company.

Also, this position is structurally at the limit for the current company but entry level at the new one. There maybe some inherent limitations currently that have nothing to do with being stingy with pay.