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ctcx OP t1_ixx1nc3 wrote

Ah I see. Makes sense. Most likely it will be higher than the copays of the non-deductible plan right I suppose, or again it could vary I guess.


Ciderwood t1_ixx6m0g wrote

Unless you think you’re gonna spend more than $6300 on healthcare this year, it doesn’t really matter. The only thing that looks more beneficial possibly is that $65 copay that you get for 3 visits before it requires paying the deductible, but if you need to go to the doctor more than that then that also doesn’t matter.

Honestly both these plans are really bad, I’m sorry that these are your options.


ctcx OP t1_ixx81iy wrote

I have other options but that was the only HSA option with Blue Shield. I was interested in HSA mainly for investing purposes in addition to my SEP plan. There is a Health Net bronze plan for $418 with a 7k deductible but I think Blue shield has the best network.

Another option is Silver PPO $647, $4750 deductible (not HSA)

Plan Highlights

Total Expense Estimate $8560.11

Plan Name Silver 70 PPO

Primary Care Visits You pay $45

Generic Drugs You pay $16

Yearly Deductible $4750 / $85

Health Savings Account (HSA) No