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[deleted] OP t1_iydp4qi wrote

Think so? If I had two applicants, one with a clean resume another with a job hopper blaming others for why it didn’t work out at their last job I’d go with the former, hands-down. Fewer risks


Snarktoberfest t1_iydqbep wrote

If you had 2 or more 8 week jobs I'd ask a lot of questions. If you worked for company A for 5 years, then company B for 8 weeks, then company A or C for 2 years you're not a job hopper. I work for a very large company that promotes job hopping within.

Also you didn't blame the job in that scenario, you said the culture wasn't what you were expecting. That is an adult answer. Any HR/hiring manager in these times knows what you mean. I worked for a place for 15 years, left for what I thought was a better place, and left there 6 weeks later. I was hired by a well known company where I have worked for 5 years. They know it's not you if you sandwich 6 weeks between 20 years.


[deleted] OP t1_iydqgln wrote

That makes sense, thanks for the perspective and taking the time to provide it


Snarktoberfest t1_iydrewa wrote

You are most certainly welcome. I worried about it a lot, but the initial HR connection told me "things happen" and subsequent interviewers didn't even ask. "So you worked here for 15 years, tell us about it." The companies that you would want to work for know that things happen. As long as you don't come off like a raving lunatic about how everyone was out to get you, they are looking for the best candidate.