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Euler007 t1_iydr7es wrote

One of the firm in my domain and area that pays the most is the worst place to work at. They don't pay high out of the goodness of their heart, they have to because that's the only way they manage to get the manpower they need with their reputation in the crapper in the local job market.


Yo_2T t1_iye02wy wrote

Oooh, I wonder if we're talking about the same employer. My current one (that I'm running away from) has the worst reputation in my field. Pay is nice though, for those sleepless nights when you're on call.


ElectricOne55 t1_iye1qhy wrote

Good point. I'm currently working at a university for 54k. And got an offer for an oil company that pays 90k in Atlanta. I was stoked at first because most of the jobs only pay 40 to 60k here. However in the interview they mentioned they preferred someone who is younger and doesn't have a family so they can travel for the job, which came across as a red flag for me.