Opening-Friend-3963 t1_iy59jwi wrote
Yea I think you screwed the pooch on this one. How can they proceed if you won't tell them how much you expect to earn? You gotta give up some info at least
jlcnuke1 t1_iy5ik1r wrote
In precisely 0 interviews have I ever told anyone how much I expect to earn. I've received multiple job offers despite that. In fact, I've never been asked what I want to earn by a company. They all know what they're willing to pay and that's enough for them to evaluate my skills, education, experience and determine where in their pay range they've been willing to offer me compensation.
Some of those companies have given offers that I find/found reasonable/acceptable, others did not. None have been significantly more than I was looking for.
RapDangerous t1_iy5z7ls wrote
Its quite common for an employer to ask what is your salary expectations. So you see, I've had the opposite experience where all the companies ask me what is my expected salary range. Different people, different places....its different anyplace you go. My advice stands and its obvious from the comments its expected they ask what you expect to be paid. So eh, each has their own experience dont they.
jlcnuke1 t1_iy62h8x wrote
See, and I was reading the comments and getting that it was generally not expected they ask what you expect to get paid, or if they did, they'd be happy with something generic like "in line with market value for the position and my experience" (as they'd then realize that you aren't stupid and both of you probably know what a fair pay for the position is and will almost certainly be able to come to an equitable agreement on pay and compensation).
If not, honestly, I'd generally assume the employer is stupid or shitty if they're asking such a question to potential employees.
- If they don't know what they should be offering for the position, they're probably stupid and you probably don't want to work for them since working for stupid employers is generally a pretty big headache. BLS data and tons of other resources are available for them to discover what fair pay is for 99.999% of positions out there.
- If they're not stupid, then they're hoping you are and trying/hoping to underpay you from the start of your relationship with them. That would make them shitty from the start of your relationship with them, and that's not a company you should probably want to work for either.
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