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ahj3939 t1_iye07g5 wrote

Ask Chase for the tracking info provided.

You're not getting far with taking Chase to court, they did their job. They're a bank, not insurance against scams.


Werewolfdad t1_iye0r7d wrote

Eh, $23 would be petty. $2300 is a big chunk of change.

I'd be filing an FCBA complaint with the FTC and CFPB.

>If you disagree with the results of the investigation

>Appeal the decision within the time period the issuer gives you for payment or 10 days of getting the explanation, whichever is later. If you want to appeal, write to the issuer and tell them that you refuse to pay because you still dispute the billing error. But know that, at this point, the issuer can begin collection procedures.

>FIle a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


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