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sonnyfab t1_iyb6tlm wrote

Are you going to be continuing to work while you're in school? Your original post sounded like that was where you were getting the money to live and pay for school was coming from.


mcburnster t1_iyb6yij wrote

Yes working while in school


sonnyfab t1_iyb78ur wrote

If you work full time and you go to school for a CS degree, you're not going to have time for a lot of "fun" unless you just blow off the studying part of being a student (and, in my opinion, having a CS degree without actually having studied is going to be largely worthless in the marketplace as it's pretty straightforward to determine programmer who can do the work and those who cannot).

That was my entire point.

Either do the degree and spend both your time and money on school, or don't do the degree and spend your time and money on fun. But you don't have enough time to do all 3 (and you also don't have enough money to do all 3.)


mcburnster t1_iyb8wou wrote

Thanks I’ll weigh your opinion with the input of others.