Submitted by the_tipsy_turtle t3_z90v9u in personalfinance

I just moved to a new state, sold some items , and need a bank account for the deposit that has physical locations. I have every form of ID SS card, birth cert, passport, and DL. I have a 775 credit score, an out of state bank where I maintain a credit card. I also have cash for the opening deposit. Problem is the house and utilities aren’t mine and my search for a place will take me awhile as I’m also job hunting. So, How do I get a bank account without a utility bill? I have a formal document from the US postal service with my new address and I have a 401k statement with my new address apparently these do not count.



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Werewolfdad t1_iyec3cz wrote

>So, How do I get a bank account without a utility bill?

Change your address on your drivers license to where you're living. AFAIK, most states have an online form that will send you a temporary ID card


the_tipsy_turtle OP t1_iyedzj4 wrote

Thank you for the response . I wasn’t sure if I could get an ID here being as I’m living with someone else. I’ll look into the online form.


No_Tension_280 t1_iyes3lu wrote

Have your roommate type a 'to whom it may concern letter saying 'Mr tipsy turtle is subletting my apartment at 123 main street." Then have someone mail you a letter and bring that in to. Do you have a pay stub with that address?