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No_Loquat_183 t1_iybr92i wrote

Definitely more context is needed. Do you live by yourself? Can you move back with your parents? What's your monthly bills?

Making money is highly relative to your location. If you're bringing home only, post-tax, $5600 a month in the BAY area, that's relatively low.

I'd reduce my 401k contributions to whatever % my company matches and move back in with my parents cause if you're paying rent and going out for food, entertainment, etc, you will pretty much never beat interest in any meaningful manner.

Assuming you can live with parents, I'd throw $4500 each month into the credit card bill and you can wipe everything in less than 2 years. This gives you $1100 a month to comfortably enjoy life. If you want to be really aggressive you can do $5000, but that's totally up to you.

If you can't live with parents, I'd invite roommates to live you (assuming you're living alone) and cut out ALL eating out. Only go grocery shopping, buy generic brands for EVERYTHING, etc. I'd go out twice a month (every other week), so I don't go insane.

It's gonna be hard and suck, but your future self in 5 years will thank you. Nothing good comes in life without some sort of sacrifice. You can change your financial outcome in 2 years (assuming you can live with your parents, if not maybe another year longer). You got this.