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kawklee t1_j2e3wyj wrote

The advice will differ by state but generally some of the people's advice here is sound. I work in condo / hoa law.

Check the paperwork, get screenshots and evidence of the terms. You can send in a document request to your HOA which (most likely under your state statute governing HOAs) as to be responded to within a certain amount of time. Compile your proof. Bring it to management company attention. Inform them of mistake. They do nothing? Go to meeting, bring it to board attention. They do nothing? Contact am attorney.

Many HOA statutes have prevailing attorney fee provisions for winning parties. This means even if the dispute is low value in terms of money, many attorneys will take the work on contingency. There will likely be presuit obligations to resolve the dispute and hopefully avoid needlessly escalating costs. If they're doing this to many residents, it could rise to a class action claim.

Don't do a charge back. Don't do some sort of withhold. Just pay and provide lots of notice about how they fucked up