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coltonzephyr t1_j2fi27o wrote

OK, well, FWIW the title asks for bankruptcy advice, so...

It wrecked havoc on my credit for a while. The irony is it's easier to reestablish credit after a Ch 7, which wipes out your debt but stays on your report for like 10 years, than it is after a Ch 13, where you actually pay back what is owed. Because you can't file Ch 7 very frequently (7yrs? 10 yrs? something like that...) I had to work hard to prove myself credit-worthy. Started with secured cards, and went from there. Keeping my auto loan helped tho. And it's been close to 20 yrs ago, so it's long since gone from my reports. It was painful...but if I recall correctly, the total payment to the bk trustee was around what I was just paying for my monthly car note. So it worked out for me. As always, your/her MMV