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Werewolfdad t1_j2dzwfy wrote

>My wife has little credit, most things have been in my name. She doesn't have bad credit or anything negative about her credit, she just has a small credit history. I want to help her build up her credit score. I was looking at a credit card that we could pay off every month and earn travel points (we can afford vacations now!), but very little cards have co-signers or joint accounts and authorized users don't benefit as much as they used to. Advice?

Add as an AU and read the credit building entry in the wiki

>We both have Roth's/401k, but I'd like to do more investing. I was thinking about a mutual fund or investing on my own into an index, but would like some more specific advice or maybe a book(s) I could get.

>I've heard a lot about how the standard "get a job, IRA and investment portfolio" won't be enough for us to retire. What else should we be doing to prepare?

From where? Saving 15-20% of your income is generally sufficient

>Finally, I'd like to maximize my money for today, be able to make big purchases, go on vacations etc. What else can I do to make my dollars work harder for me or maximize my financial usage?

Increase your income


yoshah t1_j2e4rnd wrote

This is an excellent PF 101 response.


SleekFilet OP t1_j2e88pn wrote

I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic.


AdditionalAttorney t1_j2ec194 wrote

Serious imo

I agree w werewolfdad too. That account is one of the best advice givers on this sub!


yoshah t1_j2exb1i wrote

Yep. Serious; it’s good advice.