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nkyguy1988 t1_j2c93xh wrote

If your only 403b contributions are through one employer, payroll should automatically stop at the maximum. Just make sure you don't save at a rate too high that you max early and miss out on match if there isn't a true up provision.


jpa-s OP t1_j2calj6 wrote

Thank you for the reply- I'm not following though how I would miss on the match. They match 1/2 up to 4%, so if I contribute the max won't my employer have contributed an additional 2% of my salary of that number on top of what I contributed?


sc0pe_v3 t1_j2cbmoz wrote

Yes, but a lot of plans match per payroll. If you max early there will be paychecks where you're contributing $0 so the match is the same and you're leaving money on the table. Aim to get the 2% for every paycheck in the year.


jpa-s OP t1_j2ch8t2 wrote

Wow that's annoying. Thanks doenthe heads up, seems like the goal should be to shoot as close as possible