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SheepImitation t1_j6ovm0z wrote

Did you get a letter in 2007 stating you loan(s) was Paid in Full?

Sometimes, you pay what you THINK is the correct amount (on the bill) but you need to always get a payoff amount and pay THAT. The payoff amt takes into consideration the Interest and such paid up to THAT DAY. Otherwise, you may have paid the last full bill, but still owe for the accumulating interest and fees and such from the day the bill was calculated up until the time you paid it.

If you got the Paid in Full letter, explain this and hang up.

If you DO NOT HAVE THIS, ask for proof that you owe the money IN WRITING. Full stop. no negotiating no nothing. You get the paper/proof and will review it. Do not give them access to any accounts and do not send them any money until you get this.

You do also want to check with the Uni as to if you still owe as they ought to have records of this. While this is sounding scammy, it MAY be legit if you never paid the entire debt off and received the Paid in Full letter.

PSA: If/when you pay off your debt, you will receive a letter stating such. THIS IS WORTH GOLD. This is your PROOF that you paid them fully. KEEP IT SAFE. Since this type of situation (rightfully or wrongfully) happens all the time. If you have proof you paid them, the collections ppl can go suck on lemons.

source: I've paid off numerous college/car debts.


Negative5025 OP t1_j6ox1y5 wrote

Thanks for the reply. I do not remember if I ever received a Paid in Full letter from the University. I did receive one for my student loans, but this debt is apparently separate from my loans according to the angry guy on the phone. I have asked for proof and have said as long as I do not have an itemized statement of what I owe I will not be paying anything. The guy says "nobody gives itemized statements." Ha, I explained that my electricity company tells me exactly how much energy I used and that my student loans came with a monthly statement with a breakdown of all of the fees. Dude just won't take no for an answer.


can_math t1_j6p7qxe wrote

I paid off my college loans and never received a Paid in Full letter. I did take a screen shot of the account showing a zero balance. I had all Direct loans (government). When I graduated in 2006, we weren’t able to receive a diploma without having a zero balance with the University Registrar. That is crazy that it was going to cost you extra for a diploma! To me that’s a package deal with a college degree.