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[deleted] t1_j6ofub8 wrote


Fearless_Sentence_12 OP t1_j6ogmr8 wrote

My plan was, to let it go to collections, get caught back up on bills and pay it off as soon as I can. I know it's the norm, but I'm not trying to be scummy and dip on it. I just have insane financial hardship going on and would like to get caught back up.


[deleted] t1_j6okvu6 wrote



Fearless_Sentence_12 OP t1_j6oq914 wrote

You're honestly a bro for this response. I don't want to be sent to any court room, but I def will plead with the judge in terms of "unnatural causes". :\


Fearless_Sentence_12 OP t1_j6ohoq3 wrote

Also, I was shocked by the approved car auto loan too. So looking at Credit Karma, this is what I deducted (because I actually view and *do* care about my credit score). My TransUnion has my car loan, and the Chime Credit Card. Since it only has those two, and my payment history is so good, my credit score for Trans Union is over a 720, which is what they *I'm assuming* they only used for it.


Liquidretro t1_j6olol9 wrote

That's not how it typically works. Your major stuff should be reported to all of them.

I would look into a personal loan to pay off the non running car and keep your house before you consider a new loan for a car.


Fearless_Sentence_12 OP t1_j6opae6 wrote

*keyword* "typically" that's funny, I have multiple accounts both on my TransUnion and different type of accounts on my Equifax that all fit in a nice little category. I'm not saying everyone here doesn't know what they're talking about. But maybe study your credit score a little closely with who reports to what. All these accounts are over 2 years old. So it's surely not the credit union doing dumb shit over a reddditors response.


Liquidretro t1_j6oraqg wrote

Lol. OK 2 years of experience, I'll call you next time I need help Dr expert.


Fearless_Sentence_12 OP t1_j6orqqm wrote

honestly bro you went for spite with this comment and there was no need for that. It's like the spite coming out from a mechanic. I'm not trying to get that broski.


Liquidretro t1_j6oty39 wrote

Your suggestion that I don't know what I'm talking about is comical based on your limited experience. My mortgage is on all four major credit bureaus reports as are all my credit card accounts. Not every credit agency is going to have exactly the same thing and they don't score things the same but your major accounts should be on your major Credit agencies reports. Why yours isn't I can't answer.

Good luck I hope you figure things out