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t1_j6k6psc wrote

Some things that stand out to me that are definitely on the high side - the car payment and insurance (plus you don't include gas in your budget) and your phone. Selling and getting a cheaper car makes the most sense, but it's also worth checking if you can refinance the car and shop around for cheaper insurance.

Could you cut down to either Pandora or Spotify but not both? Even better, pick one from Pandora, Spotify, or YouTube.

Car wash is a luxury, not a necessity, so I'd definitely cut that one. (I did the same myself when trimming my budget.)

I would also see if you could shop around for cheaper internet. You might even save more if you change to a phone plan that also includes internet too.

Just some basics to get you started.


OP t1_j6k8dmu wrote

Oh yeah, i currently only drive about 600 miles/mo which is maybe $100, but it will increase significantly when i get the new job since i will be commuting daily instead of once/mo. I was considering dropping from the 1000 mbps plan to a lower one that is cheaper since its only 2 people living there, me and my gf. If I'm able to register my car and then sell it for more than I owe, that'd be a good route for sure, but it will be close to $2700 to register it. I don't think I'll be able to get a lower rate as it's only 2.2% apr right now, so refinancing may not be an option. Obviously drop the car wash, maybe just pick it up in the winter for the underbody wash so my car doesn't get rusty from the salt. I still owe on my phone, so i can't really change phone plans and the internet is included with my att plan. I also forgot to include 100/mo from tmobile which is from my old phone plan. I never had any service and they constantly were raising my costs and going back on the deals that I got when i signed up and spent around 10-15 hours/mo on the phone with them.


t1_j6kbc9w wrote

Is your car currently unregistered? And why is it so much to register it?


OP t1_j6kbmle wrote

I think the tax rate is around 8 or 9% for tax/title/license and a year of late fees at 25/mo (maxing out at $200). And yes, currently unregistered