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PM_Georgia_Okeefe t1_j6ooapx wrote

No, only one parent may claim the child as a qualifying child to file as head of household.

To file as head of household you must furnish over one-half of the cost of maintaining the household for you and a qualifying person. Therefore, only one of the parents will have contributed more than one-half of the cost of maintaining the household and be eligible to file as head of household.

If both parents claim the child as a qualifying child, there is a tiebreaker rule to determine which parent may claim the child. See Publication 501, Dependents, Standard Deduction and Filing Information for more information.


[deleted] OP t1_j6on5iv wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j6on816 wrote

Cannot claim the same person as dependent on two returns. One HoH, one single.


Relahxn t1_j6onkic wrote

I claimed my daughter for this year but my gf will not be claiming. However, turbo tax says that she qualifies for HoH due to her being unmarried with a dependent.


[deleted] OP t1_j6onpi1 wrote

Having a dependent would require her claiming the dependent. If you already claimed the same dependent in question, she cannot claim her again.


BoxingRaptor t1_j6opf7t wrote

I looked this up. Intuit DOES say here that 2 people in the same house can file as Head of Household. But, from reading the bit about both of them having to supply over half of the cost of keeping up the home and caring for the dependent, I'm thinking the only way this makes sense is if we're talking about 2 different dependents. You both can't be Head of Household with 1 dependent between you.

> Two people can both claim head of household while living in the same home however, but both will need to meet the criteria necessary to be eligible for head of household status:

> You must both be unmarried You must both be able to claim a dependent as a closely related person That dependent must reside at the same residence for more than half the year (or, in the case of an elderly parent, they can live elsewhere but you must still have provided them with at least half of their support) They both must have paid more than half of the cost of of keeping up the portion of the home for themselves and their dependent(s).


Relahxn t1_j6oq14h wrote

That makes sense. She did not qualify for a dependent because I claimed the child for this year.


CookieAdventure t1_j6ou9lt wrote

How much does she earn? If she doesn’t earn much maybe she qualifies as your dependent, too.


nothlit t1_j6onheg wrote

No, only one of you can claim the child, therefore only one of you can be head of household.