Submitted by Cojobe t3_10qd3tn in personalfinance

Apologize if this is not the right sub, but I need help translating a 1095-C. My wife got one for an employer she worked at last year that she waived benefits for, I cannot see any deductions in her paystubs for any benefits

However we got this form, and I’m not sure what it means but “employee required” lists about $330 each month

Here is a section of the form

1E code shows- “Minimum essential coverage, providing minimum value offer to you and minimum essential coverage offer to your dependent and spouse”

Can someone please help me understand? Is this just the minimum we would have to pay IF we elected benefits?




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nolesrule t1_j6pb9kf wrote

It documents whether you were offered eligible healthcare coverage through the employer. the Information can affect the credits your receive toward ACA marketplace coverage.


Cojobe OP t1_j6pcw08 wrote

Gotcha, so I get that it’s there to show it was an option, but is that money current owed by us?