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[deleted] t1_j6nft4b wrote



Tech_geek23 OP t1_j6ng4yd wrote

I guess my question for me is how important is instant transfers over better interest rates then?

What's best way to determine if it's worth it


[deleted] t1_j6ngzq3 wrote



Tech_geek23 OP t1_j6nhf72 wrote

That makes sense too. My brain is on the ADHD side so being able to visually see the savings and slide money to it immediately is what's appealing to me knowing how my brain works


GaylrdFocker t1_j6od10y wrote

Instant transfers are worthless. Pay with a credit card and pay off with savings, you have up to a month to transfer the money depending on purchase and due date.


Tech_geek23 OP t1_j6odda4 wrote

Heh I do (smartly) play the credit card game so that works too


sleepyguy22 t1_j6ngoxr wrote

Calculate how much monthly/annual interest you would make in a high yield account and then compare that price to the convenience of instant transfers.