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Various-Category4642 OP t1_j6oc4cc wrote

I have probably about half the stuff but since eBay only started saving older sales very recently I think some is lost.

I'm definitely not paying the full amount shown since refunds and fees are probably half the number that they gave me


nozzery t1_j6ocec1 wrote

It isn't lost, it's just in your email. Go look for it. Don't be lazy. If you don't find it, you are paying the full amount, because that's the 1099 that the IRS will receive. Adjust income without documentation at your own risk


Various-Category4642 OP t1_j6ocx2z wrote

I found how much of the total is just fees and refunds/cancellations. I have the majority of sales but there's some from early last year buried somewhere. I'll find em