Recent comments in /f/personalfinance
ThoughtsInSpacee OP t1_jegyiws wrote
Reply to comment by JustADudeBeingADood in Can someone help tell me if I can afford this car? by ThoughtsInSpacee
Interesting, i guess as you said, i can be comfortable spending said amount on a “luxury” and thats exactly what this is. A luxury.
Ive been trying so hard to reframe it as a necessity (COPE) but this specific expensive car isnt necessary.
This helps me a lot with my decision making. Thanks!
boosted5O t1_jegygqs wrote
Reply to comment by GrittyGardy in 20K IRS bill and no idea how to handle by cleaningupmess2023
I’d love to be making that much! Wife and I combined barely make 170
chubbs79 OP t1_jegyejk wrote
Reply to comment by UnsurprisingPun in How to get a simple home loan? by chubbs79
Is there anyway to accomplish what we're trying to do?
BarnabyColeman t1_jegycax wrote
Reply to Is this normal after an accident? by Impossible-Cry-495
Always talk to your insurance company, not the other person's.
If you are in an accident, I guarantee your insurance card says to call and tell them.
boosted5O t1_jegybs2 wrote
You don’t by chance live in California do you? A lot of counties are considered disaster counties and you have 6 more months to pay without penalty. Not sure if other states have this as well. As others have said, try and work on that credit card
Pandasrqt t1_jegyb5u wrote
Reply to comment by GrittyGardy in 20K IRS bill and no idea how to handle by cleaningupmess2023
For real, I'm very curious to know what OP spends their money on to have $40k in CC debt and barely any savings/retirement while making nearly $200k a year. It's actually quite impressive.
[deleted] t1_jegyaor wrote
Reply to comment by pbecotte in Is this normal after an accident? by Impossible-Cry-495
apextek t1_jegy660 wrote
federal mileage rate for business miles is 65.5 cents per mile. Start a small driving business digital log your miles. Defer your tax debt and drive away the debt in mileage.
[deleted] OP t1_jegy3vp wrote
Reply to comment by coffeejunki in Is there a time where I can stop saving for retirement? by [deleted]
Thank you!
beautifulstain OP t1_jegy2xp wrote
Reply to comment by Cruian in My 401k target date fund doesn't look very inspiring by beautifulstain
I started contributing around 2014, but not maxing until maybe 2018 or so (can’t remember exactly). No rollover from another account.
I focused on S&P500 index mainly for simplicity, not much strategy here.
BrownPrivilege123 t1_jegy2o2 wrote
Reply to comment by dust4ngel in CD vs T-bill what’s the best move? by maccc095
ETFs that hold bonds tend to trade at a premium or discount to the NAV of the holdings. I guess you could call it basis risk. There is also the expense ratio to contend with (effectively a managed fee), but it is less work.
I don't know what the minimum amount of capital that you need to purchase a t-bill; however, with an ETF and fractional shares, capital wouldn't be an issue
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jegy1sl wrote
Reply to comment by ThoughtsInSpacee in Can someone help tell me if I can afford this car? by ThoughtsInSpacee
You can say that about any purchase past a Toyota Camry, rice and beans, and clothes from Goodwill.
You can make this purchase without risking your financial health because of your parents covering you when your employment abruptly ends or if you can't find employment soon. Whether or not this is "worth it" is purely based on how much you value cars over other types of luxuries.
[deleted] t1_jegxxkl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 20K IRS bill and no idea how to handle by cleaningupmess2023
AutoModerator t1_jegxwvy wrote
Reply to comment by Ineedanro in To life insurance or not? by Lessings_Elated
Here's a link to the PF Wiki for helpful guides and information.
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[deleted] t1_jegxwv0 wrote
Reply to comment by Mayor__Defacto in Is this normal after an accident? by Impossible-Cry-495
Ineedanro t1_jegxwuj wrote
Reply to To life insurance or not? by Lessings_Elated
Some forward steps for you, OP:
Read the wiki here. Learn about and implement some of the recommended retirement saving strategies. Start now.
[deleted] t1_jegxsq9 wrote
Ambitious_Risk_9460 t1_jegxril wrote
If you are in 35% bracket, you probably have the income to pay it off
[deleted] t1_jegxqn3 wrote
Reply to How to get a simple home loan? by chubbs79
mdnla t1_jegxq9l wrote
Reply to Is this normal after an accident? by Impossible-Cry-495
NO. The driver admitted fault, it should be going through their insurance not yours.
[deleted] t1_jegxpxo wrote
Mayor__Defacto t1_jegxoow wrote
Reply to comment by caveat_cogitor in Is this normal after an accident? by Impossible-Cry-495
Your rates go up is the best case. More likely you’re dropped as a client.
BaltimoreBee t1_jegxolf wrote
Reply to I made $0 this year and had $24,000 in medical expenses. Can I get a tax refund from this? by greencymbeline
No, no you can’t. Medical expenses are a deduction not a credit. They can reduce the taxes you owe. They can’t generate a refund from paying no taxes.
ThoughtsInSpacee OP t1_jegxo6j wrote
Reply to comment by JustADudeBeingADood in Can someone help tell me if I can afford this car? by ThoughtsInSpacee
Yeah youre reiterating well what i feel are the PLUS for buying this. Just feels bad having a net outflow of money with no inflow in the short term. Feels dumb buying a car especially if i wont need to drive it to work for a while(haha unemployed)
Thanks for your views and thoughts :)
Joseots t1_jegyldb wrote
Reply to comment by chubbs79 in How to get a simple home loan? by chubbs79
Pay all cash. That’s the only way.
If you involve the bank, they want ALL your information. No way around it.