Recent comments in /f/personalfinance

boosted5O t1_jegybs2 wrote

You don’t by chance live in California do you? A lot of counties are considered disaster counties and you have 6 more months to pay without penalty. Not sure if other states have this as well. As others have said, try and work on that credit card


BrownPrivilege123 t1_jegy2o2 wrote

ETFs that hold bonds tend to trade at a premium or discount to the NAV of the holdings. I guess you could call it basis risk. There is also the expense ratio to contend with (effectively a managed fee), but it is less work.

I don't know what the minimum amount of capital that you need to purchase a t-bill; however, with an ETF and fractional shares, capital wouldn't be an issue


JustADudeBeingADood t1_jegy1sl wrote

You can say that about any purchase past a Toyota Camry, rice and beans, and clothes from Goodwill.

You can make this purchase without risking your financial health because of your parents covering you when your employment abruptly ends or if you can't find employment soon. Whether or not this is "worth it" is purely based on how much you value cars over other types of luxuries.