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chubbs79 OP t1_jeh0i8g wrote

Reply to comment by meamemg in How to get a simple home loan? by chubbs79

That is a very good idea! That is even simpler than trying for a personal loan. It's not that im not trying to disclose anything, I just want to make this a simple process without having to go through the song an dance with a mortgage company. ya know?


CenoteSwimmer t1_jeh0cec wrote

Your 401k people were correct. Personally, I do have a life insurance need: I am a parent. I locked in a term life insurance with $250,000 payout when my kid was 2. Sixteen years later, I still pay the same rate, which is $38/month. I am in my 50s. It is not an investment, it is insurance to replace my income and support for my child, which is the reason to have insurance. When the fixed rate term ends, and my kid is done with college, I will cancel it. You do not need insurance. It was sold to you for commission. Don’t feel bad - you are not the bad person here. Cancel it and go on with your great social justice life


beardguy t1_jeh03fc wrote

I had great luck calling the IRS and being overwhelmingly nice and positive. I believe the first thing I said to the nice lady was “hi, my name is beardguy and I really just want to give you money. Help me give you money!” She laughed and said I was an angel and did her best to get me settled.


StonksSkyhigh t1_jeh02cl wrote

Depends which country you live on. In like the Netherlands this is minimum income for people. But you dont have to participate in some retirement funds, your boss is doing that for you.

Countries in like East Europe is 2k a month realy good. Just depends on the place where you live.

For USA its horrible.


ThoughtsInSpacee OP t1_jeh000p wrote

This is ideal and what i would do normally, but i need a slightly bigger car too to move across the country, which is why im trying to lump in the car ive wanted anyways .

Im also really leaning into selling everything i have now including my car, FLYING home and then just waiting to buy the wrx when i get a job again


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Oklahoma_is_OK t1_jegzr9c wrote

Get a lawyer. Get checked out. If they total your car, make damn sure you know the value of your vehicle in 2023 terms. Used cars are worth more than ever before. If they don’t total it out, make sure you pursue a diminished value claim!


StoopitTrader t1_jegzfvz wrote

I thought it was very rare for new car loans to have any sort of prepayment penalty. I've heard of it more on buy here pay here loans. I found this:

"Thirty-six states and Washington, D.C., let auto lenders charge prepayment penalties for loans with terms of 60 months or less. Lenders are prohibited by law from charging a prepayment penalty for an auto loan of 61 months or longer."

I would definitely try to pay this sooner and avoid a lot of the interest. Taking the loan down to 30 months would save you a ton in interest unless you loan rate is very low. As others have stated, read your loan contract but I would be surprised if there's any penalty.