Recent comments in /f/personalfinance
Mekaiyo OP t1_jeh2oik wrote
Reply to comment by jokerfriend6 in How to adjust W4 to take less taxes out? by Mekaiyo
I thought you had to actually have a dependent to do that? I’m sure if the projected pay matches what the IRS calculator says then it should be close
[deleted] t1_jeh2nd5 wrote
nope-absolutely-not t1_jeh2n0d wrote
Reply to comment by BrownPrivilege123 in CD vs T-bill what’s the best move? by maccc095
> I don't know what the minimum amount of capital that you need to purchase a t-bill
From TreasuryDirect: $100 minimum and $100 intervals.
From a brokerage: Nearly always $1000 minimums and $1000 intervals
GlobalDynamicsEureka t1_jeh2mus wrote
Postpone the fence. You can walk them on a leash. You are not in the position to spend money on a want.
[deleted] OP t1_jeh2mup wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Need help getting priorities straight after buying a new house by [deleted]
maestro_man t1_jeh2mgs wrote
Reply to comment by chubbs79 in How to get a simple home loan? by chubbs79
Ah totally makes sense. Going through the lending process is suuuuch a pain in the ass haha.
Individual_Brick5537 t1_jeh2kci wrote
Reply to Tax guy says I owe $10,000 in taxes due to healthcare not taking into account me getting a job by Justwigglin
You should use Turbotax to do your own - it doesn't cost anything until you file. That way you can double check the numbers, make sure the math is right. It probably is - but it's worth checking.
Werewolfdad t1_jeh2k44 wrote
Reply to comment by echisholm in Roll over or convert? by echisholm
> Roth 401(k) to Roth IRA has a conversion cost? I did not know.
Nowhere in your post does it say it’s a Roth 401k. That’s just a rollover.
(Any employer contributions would need to be converted however)
cakeandale t1_jeh2k23 wrote
Reply to comment by DifficultyNext7666 in Should I pay off my loans if I have the savings for it? by scrooooooooooge
That’s generally good advice, though for right now 4.14% is near the balance point for savings vs debt. Savings interest is taxed as income, and if OP is in the 22% tax bracket ($44,725-$98,375) they’d need to get 5.3% interest to breakeven post-federal-tax (likely slightly higher depending on state taxes).
kcrab91 t1_jeh2js5 wrote
Reply to comment by Moochefmoo in My salary is 24k a year by Imm-BlackRose
It largely depends where they live which is left out of the post.
jokerfriend6 t1_jeh2jgk wrote
Reply to How to adjust W4 to take less taxes out? by Mekaiyo
Increase the number of dependents to have less taxes taken out. I would increase it by one and see how the year ends up.
ElysiumSprouts t1_jeh2g6l wrote
Reply to comment by Visual-Working813 in $20k tuition payment - instinct is to pay in full, upfront. Should I pay monthly instead and keep dedicated funds in a money market account? by Visual-Working813
Then look into 529 plans. Pass through your tuition payments and you'll get some savings on state taxes.
catamaranpilot t1_jeh2cnc wrote
Let me get this straight, You have >$500k , no job, moveing cross country to live with your parents for free, your parents are poor and also have no job and you are asking if it is OK to spend $46k on a toy car just because you want it.... really dude, this is just sad.
frankbeans82 t1_jeh2ch4 wrote
Reply to comment by BakerWithDough in 20K IRS bill and no idea how to handle by cleaningupmess2023
Plus he bought a new home at the height of the market.... so he pretty much gained nothing in that regard.
Qylere t1_jeh2aqv wrote
Pay it off. Then all your money is yours. Plus you’ll feel amazing as a debt free human
apathyduck t1_jeh2aai wrote
Reply to My salary is 24k a year by Imm-BlackRose
I worked for a wealthy guy who told me a secret I've never forgotten: it's not how much you make, it's how much you keep.
If $24k is allowing you to save $1k/mo in you current situation, you're doing better than people who make $150k/yr and live paycheck to paycheck. Just make sure you're building a skillset in the meantime that will allow you to bring in more money when your monthly expenses/needs go up.
MeanderingJared t1_jeh2876 wrote
You are upper class bro, figure it the fuck out. People making 35k figure out child support and a divorce. I do not understand how someone in your earning tier does not have a solid CPA in your corner to avoid shit like this. You should be taking advantage of tax code at this point.
JohnBoy11BB t1_jeh27qb wrote
I see most people are addressing the IRS issue, and it's a big one, but the credit card debt needs fixed ASAP.
Assuming you make $250k per year, I assume you get about $13k a month. With a mortgage of $280k, your mortgage should be in the range of $1700-$2300 depending on interest rate. That leaves you with ~$11k. Ive never had student loans (GI Bill) so Ill assume a high end of $200/month. $10800 left. I'm leaving out child support, basic monthly expenses, etc.
You should, in theory, be able to comfortably set aside $5k every month to address the CC debt. You could literally knock that $40k out in less than a year! Aside from the tax debt, CCs should be your absolute #1 priority for the foreseeable future along with the problem that got you there in the first place. This looks like the classic lifestyle trap of high income earners. Not trying to be an ass, but this needs to be a wake up call, otherwise you'll end up living paycheck to paycheck while earning more than 98% of most others not being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Visual-Working813 OP t1_jeh20fa wrote
Reply to comment by ElysiumSprouts in $20k tuition payment - instinct is to pay in full, upfront. Should I pay monthly instead and keep dedicated funds in a money market account? by Visual-Working813
I should have clarified, this is for private K-12 school. Therefore, no loans.
Kingkwon83 t1_jeh1zcr wrote
Reply to comment by corrupt_poodle in 20K IRS bill and no idea how to handle by cleaningupmess2023
Many cards have sub 12% rates if you've had them for many years. It's the newer ones that are too high in interest
WisconsinExPat t1_jeh1xzd wrote
Reply to Is this normal after an accident? by Impossible-Cry-495
Is there insurance company some company you’ve heard of?
PersephNoob t1_jeh1x79 wrote
Reply to comment by DifficultyNext7666 in Should I pay off my loans if I have the savings for it? by scrooooooooooge
Whatever man, stay broke with all your “good” debt.
[deleted] OP t1_jeh1wfh wrote
TopImpact t1_jeh1u0z wrote
Reply to comment by EColli93 in Is there a time where I can stop saving for retirement? by [deleted]
That’s very conservative… I’m not willing to go that far hahaha. I’d cry if I was averaging 4-5 but I see where you’re coming from
chubbs79 OP t1_jeh2pki wrote
Reply to comment by maestro_man in How to get a simple home loan? by chubbs79
exactly, and for that amount it seems even more daunting haha