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DonQOnIce t1_jaddwon wrote

It shows often on this sub. People will essentially talk past each other because we’re talking about completely different day-to-day life experiences depending on where we live and work, etc.

And that’s before we get to the people commenting who don’t live here at all.


shnoogle111 t1_jadpgyn wrote

Spot on. In just a few miles of Germantown Ave, you have Chestnut Hill, Mt Airy, Germantown, and Nicetown all within close proximity and all with very different vibes.


danstecz t1_jadxvtp wrote

Wissahickon Ave is crazy to travel on with the transition. Go from multi-million dollar homes to high rise apartments to industrial and ending in North Philly within three miles of each other.


shnoogle111 t1_jady1b1 wrote

For sure. Hell I live in a few blocks of Gtown Ave in E. Mt Airy in a row home and a few blocks over from me are what could only be described as mansions.


Zhuul t1_jaduis6 wrote

I’m in the latter category but at least I try to make that evident with my flair.

I pay city wage tax so I have at least some bitching privileges 😂