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nankles t1_j9w7ug5 wrote

It seemed to me that City Tap House was the only restaurant in that section of restaurants that wasn't constantly turning over. All the other store fronts there seem to cycle through constantly.


ForkBombGoBoom t1_j9yl2u3 wrote

I used to work at a bar at 40th and Walnut. It's a weird fucking area in terms of clientele. You have: entitled Penn students, who may be from rich families but who are themselves cheap and don't know how to tip or behave; people from the section 8 / public housing a few blocks away who can also be shitty; professionals, mostly who work for Penn. The first two of these groups fucking suck from a service industry perspective. They are demanding, cheap, and can be disruptive.

I don't think that area can consistently support anything other than fast food and fast casual when the two largest groups of customers are like this. Especially when there's such a large number of competitors - there are a ridiculous number of storefronts and vendors serving food in U city.

That McDonald's was always the most consistent place in the area, and it hosted a large number of drunken fights for years while being possibly the most disgusting, awful food service establishment I've ever seen.


GoldenMonkeyRedux t1_j9ythv9 wrote

Well said. On all points. I've lived in the area for 25 years now and couldn't agree more.


Toidal t1_j9wmfnb wrote

Im really surprised the Jimmie Johns left. That pizza place seems to be going strong.


DanHassler0 t1_j9ye739 wrote

Jimmy John's is over at 36th and Market. Although only open for lunch on weekdays.


EnemyOfEloquence t1_ja5dma8 wrote

They were both operating at the same time, same owner. Worked at the Radian one for a year. Idk why they closed the one under City Tap. I heard it was one of the most profitable one's ever. We would constantly be packed until close.