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TooManyDraculas t1_j968dhc wrote

I used to have a regular that grew up with Russian River's head brewer. When they were putting out the Pliny's he'd fly back to Cali, and they'd let him pull 20 bombers directly off the fermenter before they started packaging.

Then fly back to the East Coast the next day. He'd have me crack a couple bottles and split them with me at the bar. Then tip me 2 more as "corkage" (guy was a wine maker).

I don't generally drink IPAs, and pretty much hate West Coast IPAs.

But Pliny the Younger that fresh. Was something else. Entirely different beer than the few times I've had it otherwise.

I wouldn't go waiting in line for it, cause I'm not about to do that for any beer.

But if this is materially fresher than the kegs that'll hit in a month, it'd definitely be worth trying. I live nearby, it's my day off and if it's not a shit show I might pop in.


ElectricalMud2850 t1_j968sdc wrote

They said they have plenty to last all day, so it might be worth waiting for the initial crowd to die down.


TooManyDraculas t1_j96asq5 wrote

It's a Monday and it's noon-5pm too. So could go either way. Might get busier as people kick off work.