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AbsentEmpire t1_j9l7o6d wrote

This is self inflicted by the city.

No one is getting kicked out of their row house, people choosing to sell is a voluntary choice.

Rent is getting more expensive because the city uses restrictive zoning to block development, which restricts supply from meeting demand.

The city tax rate hasn't changed, real estate taxes go up because the housing and land got more valuable due to the city's nimby policies.


Knightwing1047 t1_j9le20z wrote

Does it matter where the blame is? It’s not on the individuals that are just trying to get by and that’s the point.


AbsentEmpire t1_j9mfnxc wrote

It does when you're blaming the problems on the wrong things for the wrong reasons.


Knightwing1047 t1_j9mk0bz wrote

Nah, developers aren’t excused just because they CAN do something. The city’s at fault, no doubt about that, but accountability has to work in all directions. All parties involved are guilty except the tenants.