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chem_daddy t1_j9lfrmm wrote

Temple U, and many other academic institutions, take huge advantage of these students. Penn does the same thing with academic research, especially when it comes to foreign medical graduates desperate to apply for residency.

I used to be so passionate about going into academic medicine, but it is a cesspool of politics, pressure to publish shit research, and underpaid labor. Private practice and industry for me all the way.

I think it‘s ridiculous how much academia likes to poo-poo anyone interested in private practice and industry. Sorry for wanted decent wages and not wanting to be a part of the “publish shit to meet quotas” rat race


kevlarbaboon t1_j9md7s5 wrote

>I think it‘s ridiculous how much academia likes to poo-poo anyone interested in private practice and academia.

Moron with science PhD here: I never got that vibe

Also I agree with your first point hardcore


PortalGunFun t1_j9nhuhp wrote

Idk I definitely have seen people with the attitude of "well I suffered through it so why shouldn't you suffer too" when it comes to low pay and long hours in grad school (and later postdoc)


chem_daddy t1_j9pougq wrote

residency pay is pretty shit, and senior docs still use the “well I had bad pay, so y’all should deal with it too” mentality


chem_daddy t1_j9ppghr wrote

My bad.. sorry was on mobile last night and was getting my thoughts out after reading the article. meant to say how academia looks down on private practice and industry


kevlarbaboon t1_j9qo9nv wrote

weirdly i read it how it was intended. just my limited experience. Honestly it felt like lots of profs resented their placement and wanted to dive into industry but just couldn't for whatever reason.

then there's non-profit research institutions that have PIs who are also multi-millionaire CEOs


BamH1 t1_j9mibbm wrote

Let's not pretend academic medicine pays poorly (post residency).

It doesn't pay the extraordinarily generous rates as private practice.

But you're still easily clearing mid 6-figures.


Anona-Mom t1_j9oowt8 wrote

Academic medicine pays waaaaay less than private practice. Like, mid $100s vs much higher.


chem_daddy t1_j9pp0t9 wrote

work:pay ratio isn’t worth it. Especially when medical school is like $250-$300K after 4 years without any interest just starting off