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ylli101 t1_j96hjv1 wrote

Actually you’d be surprised, a good amount are people from the suburbs (no joke). They trailer their dirt bikes, atvs, side by sides etc and ride them through the city and then load them back up and go home.

I’ve witnessed it, others have as well and it’s actually crazy if you think about it. I’m not saying that their are city dwellers that dont do it too but shockingly a good amount are suburbia people.


Vague_Disclosure t1_j96lzim wrote

This guy literally has a picture of his dirtbike in the bed of a pickup on 28th st


ylli101 t1_j96nyfd wrote

Exactly, it’s a good mix of suburbia and city people but I have found these huge huge packs of the bike life people are the suburban people. You see the occasional few dirt bikes doing wheelies and that’s city folk.