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SnapCrackleMom t1_j8nbpng wrote

Unlimited resources? Vastly increase the number of guidance counselors, social workers, and behavioral therapists in every school.


theAmericanStranger t1_j8nfsol wrote

>You get whatever resources you need, but only 24 hours to complete your project


SnapCrackleMom t1_j8nhr93 wrote

Yeah but

> whatever resources you need

If the district was suddenly offering mega salaries for social workers, you could absolutely hire a crapton of social workers in a day.


theAmericanStranger t1_j8njfum wrote

... and fire them after 24 hours, lol.

Anyway, it's nice to dream every now and then! enjoy your day :)


typeytypetype t1_j8nch0q wrote

Oh, I was thinking external alterations, but this is probably the best answer. I'd also add the social workers and behavioral therapists (or other people with similar skill sets) to the local police force, and increase the salaries of our teachers by, like, a lot.