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Mindless_Medicine972 t1_j8nfmsh wrote



gritty_rox t1_j8niy71 wrote

Oo oo oo can we use a material that will last longer than one winter month????


courageous_liquid t1_j8nl3jb wrote

You should ask for all civil engineers with ADA ramp experience to spend a single day designing and contractors building as many ramps as possible.

Currently 50% of the paving budget is going to ADA ramp design-builds because the city has been sued like 8x over it.


William_d7 t1_j8noviz wrote

It’s crazy how many workers they have on those projects, how much concrete is used (never mind if it’s an already new sidewalk and you could totally replace one 3’x3’ square and get the same result), and how often they STILL don’t meet the street grade seamlessly.

People complain about the lack of a jobs programs but this clearly is one - for white guys from Jersey.


courageous_liquid t1_j8nssw0 wrote

Our office (burbs) does a lot of them but the people that do the engineering and inspection live in the city.

Curb ramps are surprisingly finnicky. I fail about 75% of the ones I've inspected, though I rarely do inspection much anymore.

They're supposed to come back and do a pavement adjustment so that they meet street grade (and so that water can flow correctly around them) but often that step gets missed.