Submitted by ineffectivegoggles t3_10tjey0 in philadelphia
DisciplineShot2872 t1_j772fiv wrote
Pizza Hut. Can we really call it pizza?
Frontstunderel t1_j7745jg wrote
This is a common practice in the pizza religion. It would loosely compare to the Jewish practice of leaving a cup of wine out for Elijah at Passover
ColdJay64 t1_j774r1p wrote
They were definitely properly refrigerated overnight - free pizza!
jaredcwood t1_j776mpx wrote
I this wind!?
Utter_cockwomble t1_j776nhx wrote
Who is summoning Toot-Toot?
djjsear t1_j777n7f wrote
Definitely ninja turtles. They got an emergency call and had to bail
TrueOcho t1_j778y3r wrote
It’s Pizza Hut I get it…
[deleted] t1_j779cd7 wrote
Cute-Interest3362 t1_j779h39 wrote
Clearly another mimic. Please steer clear.
[deleted] t1_j77bg9h wrote
myweirdotheraccount t1_j77bxvp wrote
Esp if it sounds like this
BlackhawkinPA t1_j77c03g wrote
I don't this is the hill to die on. Most viable is a stretch. I will say Pizza Huts pizza quality seems to vary by location.
DonovanMcLoughlin t1_j77dg7i wrote
Pizza Hut isn't that bad actually.
DisciplineShot2872 t1_j77du0g wrote
That's fair. I would rate it best among the chains, but that's like saying Burger King is good burgers. Technically burgers, but not good ones.
Phl_worldwide t1_j77dvns wrote
I live right off broad. You wouldn’t believe (maybe you would) how much food I have to throw away. Clearly a lot of it is given out as charity but the people getting it don’t want it anyway. Like just bags of canned beans and shit. All the time
Wu-Tang_Killa_Bees t1_j77dvt5 wrote
I like pizza hut but it could just be nostalgia because it was one of only a few options growing up. Either way, the floor on pizza is ridiculously high
RoverTheMonster t1_j77dxid wrote
Damn I would’ve felt like the luckiest dude in the whole world to have walked by that about 12 hours ago
kittylover3210 t1_j77e9o1 wrote
you’re throwing away canned goods? seems like it would be worth bringing them to one of the many community fridges around the city
[deleted] t1_j77emti wrote
[deleted] t1_j77f5en wrote
-ibgd t1_j77fmu5 wrote
Surprisingly Master Splinter didn’t stop by.
[deleted] t1_j77g7p7 wrote
Colonel_Corona t1_j77gds9 wrote
Need to see how stretchy the cheese is before being able to confirm
pvaworldpeace t1_j77gxwx wrote
na theyre mine ill be back soon
stuff_of_epics t1_j77k1yx wrote
I’ll throw in on defending pizza hut thin crust. When it’s done right, it’s enjoyable. Seems like doing it right is hit or miss, though; I got disappointed so often I gave up on trying.
[deleted] t1_j77kmjd wrote
Utter_cockwomble t1_j77ksfs wrote
All hail the Za-Lord!
Skylineviewz t1_j77l4dn wrote
Michaelangelo would never bail on pizza
BlackhawkinPA t1_j77mr7t wrote
Well, I lived in the Midwest, the South, and now the NE. Not sure the exact number of Pizza Huts over the years but I'm guessing more than 6. I've seen variances in quality between sites. That isn't to say that some places could be worse, but PH is a low bar in my experience.
Material_Ebb_7701 t1_j77n6yf wrote
No one out pizzas the hut /s
WinterExpensive2875 t1_j77njta wrote
Spiderman must have been needed. So much for the 30 minute guarantee.
mealpatrickharris t1_j77nx7r wrote
my friend ate one once like seven years ago, we still call him street pizza
proximity_account t1_j77pjs9 wrote
No worries. His unmutated brethren will likely come eventually.
[deleted] t1_j77pzwh wrote
Chaz_Beer t1_j77q1bc wrote
[deleted] t1_j77q7vq wrote
RJ5R t1_j77qhd1 wrote
Spoken true
Hib3rnian t1_j77rb8s wrote
Sirianni and the staff watching Chiefs games?
Phl_worldwide t1_j77rqan wrote
Oh yeah, just what people want, twice thrown away food that the labels are peeling off. I clean the blocks around me to make the kids on the block feel better about themselves and hopefully can have a better outlook on life
Queeb_the_Dweeb t1_j77sjar wrote
Dominos > Pizza Hut
ZealousidealPanic360 t1_j77x2c0 wrote
Fresh hot pizza hut is underrated. Need more of them.
kittylover3210 t1_j77y6jy wrote
oh I could definitely tell it was twice thrown away food with the labels peeling off from your original comment
brilliantpants t1_j77yswq wrote
Uh-oh, Harry’s in town. Any building burn down today?
ArcherChase t1_j781y8p wrote
This is a goddamn crime against humanity. Who does that to pizza?!!
AtBat3 t1_j782qvw wrote
Giants fans are still upset huh
theaccountant856 t1_j783whz wrote
[deleted] t1_j785to6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j785un7 wrote
Richardthisisyerdad t1_j787urk wrote
Delivery driver got jacked.
[deleted] t1_j788b6d wrote
Lazy-Clock7316 t1_j789z91 wrote
OP, did you eat a slice? Did it smell good? Why didn't you take all the pizzas?
cruelhumor t1_j78bvaf wrote
I don't mean to be rude Harry, but that's frozen pizza...
[deleted] t1_j78dqgb wrote
RowdySuperBigGulp t1_j78em9y wrote
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t eat a pizza or a bucket of chicken that I’ve found on the street at least once in my life.
[deleted] t1_j78j67i wrote
[deleted] t1_j78jz93 wrote
misterpickles69 t1_j78k5au wrote
I’m not paying for those.
[deleted] t1_j78nrxe wrote
mundotaku t1_j78nst9 wrote
So first sandwishes and now pizza? Wtf is wrong with people? 🤣
Crackorjackzors t1_j78nv9u wrote
I love pizza hut and it loves me
brk1 t1_j78pw46 wrote
This is like a crime scene.
Namnagort t1_j78rvzd wrote
Why are we talking in code? Is there an unwritten law about what to do when you find a stack of pizzas.
turngray t1_j78swj9 wrote
This is tragic
robbierobfantastic t1_j78ta9m wrote
Marvelman88 t1_j78ud21 wrote
Eat them
[deleted] t1_j78uqxr wrote
[deleted] t1_j78uxe5 wrote
murphysfriend t1_j78v2f0 wrote
Ole Michael Angelo would dine on pizza; while painting the the town Piazza!
toss_it_out_tomorrow t1_j78vuh5 wrote
but what if there's fentanyl all over them?
Moose2157 t1_j78w85u wrote
Never know who’s listening. Could be someone with designs on my pizza.
BigfootAteMyBooty t1_j78xp8k wrote
If you like diarrhea, sure.
DonovanMcLoughlin t1_j78xqqb wrote
I've never had diarrhea after eating Pizza Hut.
Utter_cockwomble t1_j7922w4 wrote
It's symbolic pizza...
[deleted] t1_j792yuz wrote
Frankjc3rd t1_j793p9h wrote
I have a personal rule: "Don't eat found food or the last donut, there's a reason it's still there."
internetonsetadd t1_j795g32 wrote
Eat them slower
toss_it_out_tomorrow t1_j795nut wrote
to enjoy it better
Rare-Banana-2256 t1_j795prt wrote
They grow on trees here.
married2kids13_37 t1_j799jyf wrote
Someone out pizza'd the hut?
internetonsetadd t1_j79afvc wrote
You don't wanna die before you finish your pizza
SouthPhilly_215 t1_j79mv1c wrote
Thats what I was thinking too. Splinter spoke to the rats too and said not to touch his boys’ leftover meal.
Oo0o8o0oO t1_j79nn2b wrote
Yeah dominos pan pizza is legit. We got a lot of fancy pants pizza snobs in here.
Oo0o8o0oO t1_j79nqrl wrote
I don’t think I’ve had diarrhea from pizza ever.
You might have IBS.
Melissajoanshart t1_j79wtv2 wrote
Yeah I found the one from the other day at 13th and Market. But if I walked by this one I’m pretty sure one slice in my body wouldn’t hurt.
mslancaster t1_j7a1nr5 wrote
pizza cairn
jacketqueer t1_j7a4t13 wrote
Looks like a cartoon booby trap
OnionLegend t1_j7a5sut wrote
Could be Spider-Man
[deleted] t1_j7ae87h wrote
Rahawk02 t1_j7apt65 wrote
I had a job once where the first shift had a pizza party, they just tossed a couple full boxes in the trash that they didn't eat instead of saving any for the 2nd shift. There was literally a full box of pizza sitting right on top of the can so of course I was called Trash Pizza after I rescued it.
[deleted] t1_j7azhiq wrote
jeffseidl92 t1_j7b6sgu wrote
Where tf they get Pizza Hut at??
WHawk6186 t1_j7brirq wrote
It’s a trap!!!
[deleted] t1_j7c7oyo wrote
[deleted] t1_j7c7v1h wrote
[deleted] t1_j7cb6q6 wrote
ineffectivegoggles OP t1_j7ebuh9 wrote
Walnut and 51st!
This photo is literally from the side of the Pizza Hut there lol.
jeffseidl92 t1_j7gatt7 wrote
Ahh I see, bit outside my radius of where I usually look for things!
[deleted] t1_j7hzfj1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mboit wrote
Moose2157 t1_j7721re wrote
Did you look both ways to make sure no one was looking and then do what needing doing?