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Moose2157 t1_j7721re wrote

Did you look both ways to make sure no one was looking and then do what needing doing?


Frontstunderel t1_j7745jg wrote

This is a common practice in the pizza religion. It would loosely compare to the Jewish practice of leaving a cup of wine out for Elijah at Passover


ColdJay64 t1_j774r1p wrote

They were definitely properly refrigerated overnight - free pizza!


djjsear t1_j777n7f wrote

Definitely ninja turtles. They got an emergency call and had to bail


TrueOcho t1_j778y3r wrote

It’s Pizza Hut I get it…


Phl_worldwide t1_j77dvns wrote

I live right off broad. You wouldn’t believe (maybe you would) how much food I have to throw away. Clearly a lot of it is given out as charity but the people getting it don’t want it anyway. Like just bags of canned beans and shit. All the time


RoverTheMonster t1_j77dxid wrote

Damn I would’ve felt like the luckiest dude in the whole world to have walked by that about 12 hours ago


BlackhawkinPA t1_j77mr7t wrote

Well, I lived in the Midwest, the South, and now the NE. Not sure the exact number of Pizza Huts over the years but I'm guessing more than 6. I've seen variances in quality between sites. That isn't to say that some places could be worse, but PH is a low bar in my experience.


mealpatrickharris t1_j77nx7r wrote

my friend ate one once like seven years ago, we still call him street pizza


Hib3rnian t1_j77rb8s wrote

Sirianni and the staff watching Chiefs games?


Phl_worldwide t1_j77rqan wrote

Oh yeah, just what people want, twice thrown away food that the labels are peeling off. I clean the blocks around me to make the kids on the block feel better about themselves and hopefully can have a better outlook on life


ArcherChase t1_j781y8p wrote

This is a goddamn crime against humanity. Who does that to pizza?!!


AtBat3 t1_j782qvw wrote

Giants fans are still upset huh


Lazy-Clock7316 t1_j789z91 wrote

OP, did you eat a slice? Did it smell good? Why didn't you take all the pizzas?


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_j78em9y wrote

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t eat a pizza or a bucket of chicken that I’ve found on the street at least once in my life.


mundotaku t1_j78nst9 wrote

So first sandwishes and now pizza? Wtf is wrong with people? 🤣


brk1 t1_j78pw46 wrote

This is like a crime scene.


Rahawk02 t1_j7apt65 wrote

I had a job once where the first shift had a pizza party, they just tossed a couple full boxes in the trash that they didn't eat instead of saving any for the 2nd shift. There was literally a full box of pizza sitting right on top of the can so of course I was called Trash Pizza after I rescued it.