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Cabanarama_ t1_j8p5k2x wrote

I know this is outside the scope of your post, but you seem like the person to ask: what is the best course of action against residential properties in violation of noise ordinance? My neighbor (conjoined rowhomes) likes to start hardware jobs in the evening and carry on until as late as 11. Consistent and unbelievably loud banging of a hammer, with the occasional solo by the power drill mixed in. I have called 911 on him several times but they never send a car. Any ideas how I can escalate and get the city on his case?


Fragrant_Joke_7115 OP t1_j8p7m2j wrote

Ya, I am really not sure. I know the realities of getting the police to respond in some situations is pretty tough.


Cabanarama_ t1_j8p7rje wrote

Rather than the police, do you think there is a similar hotline or department that handles that kind of thing for neighbor issues? If it weren’t for this guy I think I’d live on the quietest block in Philly.


Fragrant_Joke_7115 OP t1_j8pgsmz wrote

Ya, I really don't know. Maybe your city councilperson. Probably won't help, but if they want to look good to their constituents, they might inquire with precinct why not responding. That's all I got.