Submitted by Kindaalwayshungry t3_11ei9dh in philadelphia
throwawaitnine t1_jae6zk6 wrote
I would bet my whole life savings, take out as many loans as possible, max out every credit card, rob every liquor store and steal from the church collection plate, and bet it all on this guy being a cowboys fan.
hitplay225 t1_jae8g1q wrote
THIS, THIS is why we can't just abolish the death penalty
WI_LFRED t1_jae8i4x wrote
Scumandvillany t1_jae8upx wrote
Needs more MANDATORY 4K
SnapCrackleMom t1_jae9apw wrote
Missed this answer in all all those "if you're not an Eagles fan what are you doing on Superbowl Sunday?" posts.
AgentDaxis t1_jae9vek wrote
Looks like a typical Kenzo jabroni.
[deleted] t1_jaeb4ll wrote
skip_tracer t1_jaeb7wa wrote
automatic death sentence
SpauldingSmails18 t1_jaebm81 wrote
He looks he is from New York
theAmericanStranger t1_jaeedk6 wrote
Why can't the police retrieve the license plates from the video? I know it ain't 4K but no tools to enhance/decipher available to the police?
theAmericanStranger t1_jaeejgw wrote
But then it will come out he just wanted to piss off his Ex who was throwing a SB party
NeverComingHome999 t1_jaefbt1 wrote
this isn't a tv show brother, if you enhance a potato it's still a potato. There are ways to enhance via AI now but that's not helpful in this scenario where a computer "generating random fill in" wouldn't really help if we need to know FOR SURE what his license plate is. If that makes sense?
So no. You can't just enhance a potato video.
theAmericanStranger t1_jaegkt1 wrote
My non-sensationalist brain knows that, but do we need to know for sure? We have (I assume) make and color, if not year, and even one character in the license plate, or a choice of 2-3, would narrow it down
[deleted] t1_jaegxey wrote
Key_Text_169 t1_jaeib1a wrote
It’s Ted Cruz. Holy shit!
Disarray215 t1_jaelbxt wrote
Got that xfinity 1,000 G. G is guaranteed to give you gallbladder goiters.
Disarray215 t1_jaelmyf wrote
People think all that “tech” on CSI and what have you exists. I’m always reminded of Super Troopers. “Enhance. Enhance. Enhance.” Lol
[deleted] t1_jaelo8l wrote
theAmericanStranger t1_jaen0hp wrote
I'm a techie myself yet the magic on CSI never failed to impress me, lol
Genus-Switch5998 t1_jaen49z wrote
If I know Philly, and I sorta do, this guy better be very careful.
mikebailey t1_jaepz4y wrote
There’s so many variables to this. Is the car stolen? Do they have him entering a car (I don’t see it in the article/video but I only saw most of the video? How many are they able to run? Having 1 of 7 digits still leaves 2^6, etc. If it was this easy there’d be way less crime.
theAmericanStranger t1_jaeqvyd wrote
1 of 7 characters when you have the make, color, and the year, or years range, is way less than 2^(6). To my untrained eye, this totally looks like car he uses a lot, not a stolen one, for example he knows where the tools are stashed, looks like he's familiar with driving it, etc.
Anyway, I might be totally wrong, not going to die on this hill. But fuck him for real! There's something terribly selfish the way he goes about to make thousands of other people miserable.
joggle123 t1_jaesn5z wrote
I’ll see your bet and raise you he’s not a city resident
[deleted] t1_jaeszc1 wrote
B3n222 t1_jaetl2g wrote
1,000% a local Cowboys fan. The absolute dregs of society.
mikebailey t1_jaevgth wrote
>1 of 7 characters when you have the make, color, and the year, or years range, is way less than 2^6.
That depends on how searches are structured/partitioned in the databases. The "scan space" may still be 2^6. I make a habit of assuming the worst possible architecture when we talk about government.
robval13 t1_jaevigv wrote
I’m usually not for the death penalty but in this case…
theAmericanStranger t1_jaew6j6 wrote
"sir, this is Philly"
srsly, my math is horribly off, as it's not 2^6, but (assuming any letter or digit is valid and can be at any position) 36^6 !
ScoffingYayap t1_jaeyg4f wrote
Those Tubi ads went too far
mikebailey t1_jaez8sm wrote
nah that's my math you quoted, whoops shit
theAmericanStranger t1_jaezlnq wrote
We better quit while we're ahead
Primordial_Cumquat t1_jaf31em wrote
Public Enemy #2
[deleted] t1_jaf4oyd wrote
shnoogle111 t1_jae5mxm wrote
If this guy took a Viagra, he’d probably grow 2-3 inches taller.