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BroadStreetRandy t1_jad8348 wrote

It would be great to have transit running down Delaware Ave. Even without the El, some form of light rail would be neat. I've often thought about what it would be like having some form of light rail transit run down Delaware from Penns Landing, maybe even to Pattison and the Stadiums. Would be neat.


DOUCYIMD1 t1_jadahuz wrote

If memory serves, weren't there trolleys along Deleware Ave back in the 70s?


ult420 t1_jadf8ax wrote

Tracks are still in the middle of the lanes in some places


BroadStreetRandy t1_jadifiu wrote

That's freight right of way- not trolley if I'm not mistaken.


beancounter2885 OP t1_jadnn6i wrote

It is owned and maintained by CSX, but trolleys ran on it up until 1995.


Past_Cartographer230 t1_jadg6d3 wrote

All they need to do is extend the frankford loop down Delaware ave. The tracks are there and are already separated by road traffic. This is the missing piece even if they only run it down to the Walmart center.


deltavim t1_jaeh8nb wrote

It would really help with sporting events down there, maybe put the station at the other end of Pattison near Jetro lot to help split up the crowds after events