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BroadStreetRandy t1_jad8348 wrote

It would be great to have transit running down Delaware Ave. Even without the El, some form of light rail would be neat. I've often thought about what it would be like having some form of light rail transit run down Delaware from Penns Landing, maybe even to Pattison and the Stadiums. Would be neat.


hoobsher t1_jadcti0 wrote

not many worse cases besides LA of a city intentionally dismantling its public transit for the sake of cars, is there


funkyted t1_jadpon7 wrote

This is erotic fan fiction for those dreaming of the riverfront


PhLGUY420 t1_jaeav0x wrote

Where was the dope stop back then?


rileybgone t1_jaeklhy wrote

There was a point where the delaware ave el was around at the same time as the Frankford el. It operated as a branch up until just after the Ben Franklin Bridge was built, and the ferries became less useful. The ferries still allowed for a direct connection to the Pennsylvania-Reading sea shore lines from old city, which was a passanger train service that operated out of a Camden water front terminal to the shore. I think they went to cape may, wild wood, ocean city, Atlantic city, and made stops all throughout south jersey. Imagine something like the terminal in jersey city that allows you to take a ferry to New York.